PBL Halloween Game

Here is our monster, from the depths of the underworld. made by Sophie in Maya.
This was done by extruding and manipulating 3D shapes such as spheres and cylinders
Here is the tree that Karam has worked on. Also using cylinders but this time he used the curve tool to make it look more realistic.
The maze here was worked on by Brandon. He has used cuboids and the extrude tool so he could shape it and added textures to the walls with UV maps.

Here is a house made for the background, made by Ryan.

here is the project in unity that is suppose to show this example. however, when I ran it, nothing happened when I touched the collectible.
we decided to do another session of coding. what this is apparently suppose to do is that when the item labeled with the collectible collides with the player character, the collectible is suppose to delete itself.


For this project, we have all been put into groups of 4, working on a game with Halloween elements. I was put into a team with Karam, Brandon and Sophie. Ryan later joined the group a week in.

The Plan
we decided on a game where the player must collect items while avoiding a monster hunting the player down. it was essentially Pac-Man, but it's a first person game. Also it's  suppose to be scarier.

21st September
i also meddled around with the colours of everything and the sun in the background all in 

Friday 22nd September 2023
